Worship Leader Fails

I think every week I either have some sort of near miss or full on worship leader fail of some sort.  The good thing is that once you realize that God prefers humility way before perfection you learn to laugh at yourself a little bit from time to time.  Sometimes I wonder if God didn’t set me up a few times when maybe I started to take myself too seriously.  Anyway, Below are 5 Worship leader fails I have experienced in the last year and a couple of them have even happened multiple times to me.  Enjoy and comment one of your best worship leader fails below!


1.  The Dead Wireless Mic

I am sure many worship leaders can relate to this one, especially those who have battery-powered wireless microphones they sing into each sunday.  You have to keep an eye on the batteries in the mic because they will die on you, and surely I let it happen to me.  We were in the final song, “One Thing Remains” and all the sudden “Your Love Never Fails It Never gi…..”.  The best part was no one really knew that’s what happened, so I got some pretty awesome looks from the people around me.

Lesson:  Check battery levels after each service!


2.  The Disaster Transition Verbals Between Songs You Wish Never Happened

Talking is hard.  At least for me at times.  I went up to say an encouraging word to the congregation between songs and all that came out was a bunch of jumbled up stutters.  For worship leaders, once it comes out slightly jumbled and fumbled it only gets worse from then on.  Nerves take over, and its best to just shut up.  Anyway, the good people of my church are also very forgiving of my awkward mumblings.

Lesson:  When in doubt, plan it out!


3.  The Time I Told The Sound Guy To “Push The Volume As Loud As You Want”:  People Ran Out Of The Sanctuary

This one speaks for itself.  The pre-service rehearsal just went tremendous and we were doing This Is Amazing Grace, which our congregation loves.  Everyone felt great.  I told to the sound guy to feel free to push it a little if he desired.  He cranked the master fader on the board so high that guests walked out of the room during our opening song.

Lesson:  Looking back that was just a bad idea.


4.  The Dead Acoustic Guitar Battery During An Acoustic Set (It was just me on stage too)

Yeahhh about that.  At my campus we have a 4PM service that is light on numbers so I do an acoustic set verses a full band set in our AM services.  Everything is good until about halfway through my first song when my guitar essentially starts farting.  Us worship leaders know this could be one of many tell-tale signs something bad is about to happen.  My guitar then completely shuts off and I just magically end the song and ask everyone to greet their neighbor.  I think they may have noticed that worship was a little short that day.

Lesson:  Change the batteries in my acoustic guitar before each weekend set, DUH.


5.  The Unplugged Electric Guitar During an Electric Guitar Driven Song

I lead from the electric guitar, so when it becomes unplugged due to my keys player stepping on my cable right before we play it can become a challenge to effectively lead from said electric guitar.  This one isn’t totally my fault, but I am known to recklessly run cables all over the place.  My guitar remained unplugged for the entire song and yes it sounded terrible. #Worship

Lesson:  Gaff Tape

3 thoughts on “Worship Leader Fails

  1. Pingback: What’s Your Best Worship Leader Fail? | Worship Links

  2. Pingback: Dealing With A Rough Sunday: 5 Things I’ve Learned About It | Children Of Pursuit

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